Tail-prop Suet Feeder

Feed Suet All Year Long

Suet is a high-energy, pure-fat substance that supplements birds’ daily diet year-round and is particularly helpful when finding insects to eat is difficult or when young birds and adult birds require extra energy for molting. All of our suets and no-melt suets contain high-quality ingredients, providing critical fats and calories and making every trip to the feeder count. Also, WBU suet is rendered to help remove some of the impurities that can cause spoilage. Our WBU suet blends include ingredients that birds actually want to eat like peanuts, tree nuts, fruits, mealworms, and calcium - we never add unwanted fillers and artificial flavoring.

Suet allows you to feed the birds year round with a high-energy food source. Offer No-Melt Suet when seasonal temperatures are above 95º F and Suet when temperatures are below 95ºF. No-Melt Suet is designed to withstand temperatures up to 130° F.

Offering suet at a backyard feeding station is one way to attract a greater diversity of insect-eating birds. Birds that eat suet will still find natural food sources, such as insects, insect eggs and larvae for a well-rounded diet. Birds that eat both insects and seeds, like chickadees and nuthatches, will also visit suet feeders.

Wild Birds Unlimited Joliet offers a variety of suet food and feeder products!  Try our SuperSuet products, the highest fat and protein suet on the market.  We also carry suet in cylinder form, a long-lasting way to feed suet to your favorite suet loving birds.